Problemen oplossen

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2 gedachten over “Problemen oplossen”

  1. I set a schedule for profiles. And I have set that when I am in the car the profile “auto” is activated.
    But, if during the car ride according to the schedule the profile “normal” should be activated then I would like that that does not happen but that “auto” remains active until the connection to the car is disconnected (and only then it goes back to the “normal” schedule)

    1. Hello Joost

      You can set the profile “auto” to ignore the Scheduler. To do that follow these steps:
      Open Sound Profile >> menu >> Scheduler >> Scroll down to the section “Advanced users” >> Excluded profiles >> Select the profiles you want to ignore the Scheduler.
      Now, if your profile “auto” is activated, it will ignore the Scheduler.

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