ru — Subscription not recognized

All subscriptions are controlled by Google Play Store.
Sound Profile asks Google Play for the purchases the current user has.
If Sound Profile doesn’t show your purchases it is because Google Play is not informing correctly.

If Sound Profile is not recognizing one of your subscriptions, I recommend following these instructions:

  • Open Google Play Store
  • Tap on the top-right icon and open the menu
  • Payments and subscriptions
  • Subscriptions

Here you should see a list of all the subscriptions you have purchased for all apps. Be sure you find the subscription (or subscriptions) for Sound Profile and that it is active (not canceled, not expired). If you cannot see it there it is because Google Play is not recognizing your purchase. Be sure you use the same Google account as the one you used when you bought the app. That account must be the one set in the Google Play Store app.

Maybe you purchased it using another account. Please check in all your email accounts the email you got from Google when you purchased it.
The email sender should be and you should see the order number, something like GPA.3347-6533-4653-xxxx.
That account should be added in Google Play app.

Please notice that you can have several accounts added in Play at the same time. This is useful for using different purchases from different accounts.

If Google Play doesn’t recognize your purchase then you should contact them. I will let you know how to do that below.

Google Play still doesn’t recognize your subscriptions

If your purchases are not even displayed in Google Play and you know that you are using the right account, then you need to contact the Google Play staff using this link:
At first you have to describe your problem and the web will show you several answers that might be helpful (but nearly always are not what you are expecting). But you could just keep contact with them. I recommend the «Something Else» option when it’s available.
Finally you will have the chance to chat live with them or to send and email. They are very responsive so they will answer you back. I recommend the chat option. Sometimes the email option brings other articles to read that might not be exactly what you were looking for. So, if possible choose the chat option so you can explain your case to a real person.

Google Play recognizes your purchase BUT Sound Profile doesn’t

If Google Play recognizes your purchase BUT Sound Profile doesn’t, then please follow these important steps:

  • Open your Android settings
  • Go to Apps
  • Select Google Play Store
  • Storage and cache
  • Clean cache
  • Clean storage (very important!)

Now open Sound Profile, go to the Subscriptions page and let it ge the new information.

If you need extra help or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
I will be pleased to help you.

For more information about the Sound Profile subscriptions, please tap here.

ru — Subscription not recognized: 4 комментария

    1. Hello

      Sorry, due to the restrictions to Russia from the International Community because of the war/invasion of Ukraine, Google Play purchases cannot be made in Russia. Basically, Google Play doesn’t allow you to purchase or download already paid apps (any app, not only Sound Profile).
      Also, already paid apps will not download.

      BUT I heard from other Russian users telling me that they are able to download already purchased apps and also new items also. Here is the link he used, in case it is helpful for you:

      I am sorry, there is nothing I can do to help you. I am afraid we now live in two completely different worlds. I hope the war/invasion of Ukraine ends soon and things go back to normal again.

      I wish you the best of luck.

  1. Итак, вконец обнаглевший гугл забанил купленные ключи для пользователей из России. Что будем делать?

    1. Please take a look at these sites:

      There, it is written this:
      Can users still access apps and games that have already been downloaded or purchased?

      I suggest you contact them using this link:
      At first you have to describe your problem and the web will show you several answers that might be helpful (but nearly always are not what you are expecting). But you could just keep contact with them. I recommend the “Something Else” option when it’s available.
      Finally you will have the chance to chat live with them or to send an email. They are very responsive, so they will answer you back. I recommend the chat option. Sometimes the email option brings other articles to read that might not be exactly what you were looking for. So, if possible choose the chat option so you can explain your case to a real person.

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