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11 thoughts on “SoundProfile neue Hilfeseite verfügbar!”

  1. Guten Tag,

    Die Android Kalender Funktion erkennt bei mir nicht das Schlüsselwort *sp:xxx* dadurch werden die Profile nicht automatisch je nach Kalendereintrag gewechselt! Die Einträge “gebucht” Funktion funktioniert jedoch habe ich Kalender abonniert die ich davon nicht ausschließen kann. Somit ist diese Funktion nicht brauchbar für mich. Habt ihr eine Lösung für mein Problem? Gruß Christoph

    1. Hello

      To help me resolve your issue more effectively, I kindly request that you provide me with your current settings. Follow these steps to send me the necessary information:

      1. Open the Sound Profile app.

      2. Tap the menu icon (at the top-left corner)

      3. Select Settings.

      4. Tap Send Me An Email.

      5. Allow the app to automatically attach your settings file.

      In that email, please explain your issue again so I can clearly recall the details (I receive numerous emails from various users).

      Additionally, specify the precise profile name you are using for testing purposes.

      Once I receive this information, I can thoroughly investigate your issue and provide a prompt resolution. Thank you for your cooperation.


  2. Hallo, gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass die App im Hintergrund immer an bleibt? Wenn ich die App schließe oder vom System geschlossen wird, wird oben das Symbol für das Profil nicht mehr angezeigt. Oder läuft die App dann trotzdem im Hintergrund weiter? Ich habe es auf einem Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro / 5G. Die App finde ich Super.


    1. Hello
      The app should always be in the background and the icon (showing te current active profile) should be displayed in the notification bar (unless the app is condifured to hide the icon, of course). Probabbly, in your case, the app is being killed by the System or by power-saving instructions. Send me an email and let’s check possible solutions.
      Follow these steps to send me the necessary information:

      1. Open the Sound Profile app.

      2. Tap the menu icon (at the top-left corner)

      3. Select Settings.

      4. Tap Send Me An Email.

      5. Allow the app to automatically attach your settings file.

      In that email, please explain your issue again so I can clearly recall the details (I receive numerous emails from various users).

      Additionally, specify the precise profile name you are using for testing purposes.

      Once I receive this information, I can thoroughly investigate your issue and provide a prompt resolution. Thank you for your cooperation.


    1. Hello Lothar

      Why not? Please explain. Send me your settings using the Contact Me option of the Sound Profile main menu. In that email tell me again your issue so I can remember it (I receive many emails from many users).

  3. Das Schalten des WLAN klappt nicht mehr automatisch. Nun habe ich von die App WIFI Automatik gefunden, mit der es funktioniert. Ich habe ein Samsung Galaxy Note 10+5G mit Android 11 und die Soundprofile-App gekauft.

    1. That app is too old. It was last updated on October 29, 2019, before the Google restrictions. So, it still can use it. Google doesn’t remove old apps (for the moment) but they Google will not allow allowed to get updated unless they remove that feature.

      1. I’ve been using and loving the soundprofile-app for years. WiFi-automatic solves my problem and so all works fine again.
        Is there a migration to Android 12, I’m getting in February 22?

        1. Yes, the app is already ready for Android 12. Right now being tested by volunteer users. If you want to become one of them, just let me know.

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