
Sound Profile is not a free app. It takes a lot of time to develop an app like this and a lot of effort to support and answer all the queries made by the users. Each of you have an individual support, many of you have already used. I answer to every question users send me in this website and by email at
The app doesn’t bother you with adds or publicity, and it doesn’t take any cookie or private information from your side.
This is why I need you to, at least, get a cheap subscription to make all this project possible.

Your purchases are still available even if you uninstall and install the app again.
Or even if you change your device, just be sure you use the same Google account.

All that is controlled by Google Play. So you can relax, I am not taking or seeing your credit card numbers.
In case you don’t have a credit card, or you just don’t want to use it in your device, you can use redeem codes. Take a look here for more information about alternatives for paying in Google Play without using a credit card.
You are also able to use Gift Cards that you can purchase in local stores in your town using cash.

To check the price in your local currency, just follow these steps to access the Subscriptions info screen:

  • Open Sound Profile and tap on the menu 
  • Tap on Subscriptions Subscriptions

The subscriptions might have a trial period of several days. Each subscription will show you how many days you can test it without getting charged. You can cancel the subscriptions at any time to not be charged the next period. See more information below.
If you cancel in the trial period, then you will not be charged at all.
If you cancel after the trial period, then you will have access to that feature until the subscription period ends. Once it ends, you will not be charged again, and therefore you will not be able to use that functionality.

List of available subscriptions:

  • Flat Rate
    This subscription covers all subscriptions below. If you purchase this subscription then you will not need any other one. In case you have other subscriptions, you could cancel them and just pay for this one. Having this subscription will make you have all current features in the app and the new features that might come in the future. This option is the best if you are planning on using several features of the app. If not, keep reading and find the one you need.
    Remember that you still have access to the purchased subscriptions even if you uninstall the app and even if you change your device.

  • Unlimited profiles
    Have as many profiles as you need. With this subscription you will not be limited to only 5 profiles.

  • Extended notification
    The Extended notification will display profile shortcuts in the notification details. You could activate those profiles quickly without opening the app. You are able to select the profiles you want to include as shortcuts. For more info about this feature tap here.

  • Automatic Scheduler
    This feature allows you to have unlimited intervals in your Automatic Schedulers. With this subscriptions you could add as many intervals as you need.
    Tap here to see more info about the Automatic Scheduler.

  • Tasks and Events
    Activate profiles depending on situations or locations. A wide range of possibilities triggered by events like having the device in charging mode, connected to a Bluetooth, to a Wifi, in a specific location (work, home, church…) . Very useful if you want the app to activate profiles in specific situations, for example:
    -Activate Calls Only profile when entering into the car
    -Activate Silent profile when entering at work
    -Activate Quiet profile when entering at home
    -Activate Night profile when plugging the device for charging
    -Activate Running profile when headphones connected
    More info here.

  • Android Calendar
    Activate profiles from your Calendar events or reminders. Very convenient to make Sound Profile follow your Calendar events like meetings, appointments, dates… So for example, if you have a meting in your Calendar, the app will automatically activate Silent during the meeting. If you have to go to the doctor, the app will automatically activate Calls Only while in the hospital.
    With this feature you could also change the current Automatic Scheduler to another one, for example to change from Christmas Scheduler to Regular Scheduler. Very convenient to change between Shift-Turn schedulers. For example, one week I work during the day, the next week I work during the Night. For example, on July 1st activate My Summer Scheduler, on August 10th activate My Regular Scheduler.
    For more info about Sound Profile and the Android Calendar tap here.

  • Automation
    If you are a user of automation apps (like Tasker, AutomateIt, Macrodroid…) you can make them activate your sound profiles.
    Give extra power to your automation app! Allow them to create actions to activate profiles. For more information, tap on Sound Profile menu and then on Automation.
  • Android Assistant
    Use this feature to activate profiles using your voice from your home screen without opening the app. Some devices even allow you to use it without unlocking your screen. Just try it saying sentences like these:
    -Hey Google, open Sound Profile and activate Normal
    -Hey Google, open Sound Profile and activate Meeting for 30 minutes
    -Hey Google, open Sound Profile and activate Movie until 8 p.m.
    -Hey Google, open Sound Profile and activate Silent for 2 hours, then activate Normal
    This is a very simple and convenient way of using your Ok Google Assistant.
    Right now, according to Google Assistant limitations, this feature is only available en US English but other English-speaker users have reported that is also working for them in other countries.
    To test it you don’t even need to purchase or trial the Subscription. Just say “Hey Google, open Sound Profile and activate Normal” and let’s see how the app behaves. If the Assistant displays an Internet generic search it is because it didn’t understand you, therefore it doesn’t work for you language.
    But if the Assistant opens Sound Profile and you hear something like “you need a subscription to perform this feature” it is because it works in your device, therefore you could get the subscription and trial it.

  • Dialing numbers or commands
    You could automatically enable voice-mail, call forwarding to other numbers or even call numbers after profile activation. Very useful to automatically activate your voice-mail while sleeping, or call forwarding your calls to your coworker’s phone during your lunch break.
    For more information take a look at here.

Hey, but, I don’t need any subscription. The basic app features are enough for me!

Even if you don’t need any extra functionality you have to purchase a subscription. Choose the cheapest one. For much less than a coffee you will have access to the app for a full year and I will be really thankful. Try asking anything at I will be here to listen to you.

How to cancel and manage your subscriptions

You can cancel a subscription at any time.
-If the subscription is still in during the trial period then you will not get charged.
-If the trial period has expired and your subscription has been charged, you could cancel it to avoid future charges. Remember that a subscription is periodical until you cancel it.

To manage or cancel your purchased subscriptions you could follow these steps:

  • Open Sound Profile and tap on the menu 
  • Tap on Subscriptions Subscriptions
  • Tap on Manage

Google Play Cache

Sometimes your Google Play app is outdated and it doesn’t display the subscriptions information correctly.
In this cases it is recommended to clear its cache to be sure it reloads with the newest and updated information.

  • Open Sound Profile and tap on the menu 
  • Tap on Subscriptions Subscriptions
  • Tap on Clear cache and follow the instructions there.

If you need extra information, do not hesitate to ask personally at or type your comment below.

27 thoughts on “Subscriptions”

  1. Hallo.
    Ersetzt die Pro Key App sämtliche Abonnements? Ich würde gerne einen Einmalbeitrag bezahlen und keine Abos abschließen.

    Vielen Dank für eure Rückmeldungen.

    1. Hello Patrick

      The Pro Key app is a just one time payment that covers all the features until november 2019. But that Pro Key is going to be removed from Play Store soon. In fact, you are not redirected to the Pro Key from Sound Profile in any way. You just saw it in Play Store. Of course, all Pro Keys bought will still work in the future and will be still available for users that already bought it, but it will not be available for newer users.
      The idea is to make users buy low-cost, but yearly Subscriptions, instead of a more expensive but just one time payment Key.
      So, right now if you have the Pro Key (or you purchase it) then you are fine, but you do not have available the newer features that maybe releases in the future and since november 2019, like the option to dial commands after a profile activation (for example to activate/deactivate voice mail), the option to communicate with Automation apps (like Tasker, Automateit, Macrodroid…) and the option to activate profiles using your voice (Google Assistant).
      In case you need one of those newer features (or a new one that might be created in the future), then you would need to purchase the low-cost subscription for it.

      On the other hand, the just one time payment Pro Key covers these features for life:
      ★Unlimited number of profiles.
      ★Unlimited number of scheduler intervals.
      ★No Ads.
      ★Tasks & vents.
      ★Android Calendar.

      If you need extra information, just let me know.

  2. Hallo.
    Ersetzt die Pro Key App sämtliche Abonnements? Ich würde gerne einen Einmalbeitrag bezahlen und keine Abos abschließen.

    Vielen Dank für eure Rückmeldungen.

    1. Dear
      Thank you for your interest in Sound Profile and your request for a one-time payment to unlock all features. We appreciate your support.

      While we understand the appeal of a one-time payment, we’ve found that subscriptions provide a more sustainable model for maintaining and improving Sound Profile. Here’s why:

      Continuous Development: Subscriptions ensure that we can allocate resources to ongoing development, bug fixes, and new feature additions. This means you’ll always have access to the latest and greatest features.
      Accountability: Subscriptions create a direct connection between your satisfaction and our commitment. If you’re not happy with the app, you simply don’t renew your subscription. This incentivizes us to provide a high-quality product.
      Fair Pricing: Our subscription model offers a more affordable option compared to a one-time payment that would cover the entire lifetime of the app.
      Excellent Support: As a subscriber, you’ll have priority access to our dedicated support team. We’re committed to providing prompt and helpful assistance to ensure you have a positive experience with Sound Profile forever, and not “until you pay”.

      Think of it like Netflix. They continue to produce new content because their subscribers rely on them for fresh entertainment. Similarly, your subscription ensures that Sound Profile remains updated and relevant.
      We believe that this subscription model is a fair and beneficial arrangement for both you and us. It guarantees a well-maintained app with regular updates, while also providing you with a flexible payment option.

      Thank you again for your understanding and support.


  3. Using grapheneos, therefore no google account. Can I pay for an upgrade with bitcoin?

    Awesome app btw

  4. On my previous phone I had purchased the Pro key.
    Now that I moved to a new phone the pro key does not work anymore and there are now only other subscription types.
    Is my pro key lost now?

    1. No, it is NOT lost. Purchases are kept from one device to another. That is controlled by Google Play but I can help you check the normal issues most people have.
      First be sure you use the same google account now than the one you used when you bought the app. That account must be the one set in the Google Play.

      Try to search for the Pro key in PlayStore. It should let you install it without paying anything.
      Link here:
      If it is already installed, then uninstall it and install it again (without paying anything).

      Then reboot the device to be sure everything gets updated. Once rebooted, open Sound Profile (the normal app, not the key) it should detect that the Pro Key is installed. Be sure that Sound Profile is installed and updated. Link here:
      Do this and let me know your results at

      By the way, if you have made a backup-restore using any restoration system, then just try to uninstall “SoundProfile Pro Key” and install it from the Play Store because the Key must be installed from Google Play Store to be valid and not from any other external sources.

      Another hint:
      Sometimes there is an error in Google Play so it wrongly thinks that you haven’t paid. So it is also good to clean Google Play cache:
      ·Open your Android settings
      ·Go to Apps
      ·Select Google Play
      ·Storage and cache
      ·Clean cache and Clean storage
      ·Then try again

  5. My scheduler isn’t working anymore. It use to change automatically, but now I have to change it manually. Why is this happening?

  6. Even though I’ve purchased the app ($5 “everything” subscription) but the subscription info keeps popping up and preventing me from changing profiles. I’ve cleared the cache, I’ve reset the app several times, I’ve rebooted… please help. This is not what I paid for!

    1. Hello Jonathon
      Please, send me your settings using the Contact Me option of the Sound Profile main menu. In that email tell me again your issue so I can remember it (I receive many emails from many users).

  7. Please help! I keep trying to purchase the unlimited subscription for this app and I keep getting an error code no matter what I do. I’ve tried using PayPal, credit card, debit card, google pay; I keep getting “Error: or-cac-02” I just want to keep using your app. I love it! Please help…
    Thank you so much!

    1. That depends on Google Play Store.
      Try rebooting the device.
      Another hint:
      Sometimes there is an error in Google Play so it wrongly thinks that you haven’t paid. So it is also good to clean Google Play cache:
      Open your Android settings
      Go to Apps
      Select Google Play
      Storage and cache
      Clean cache
      Then try again
      Tell me your results.

  8. Love, love this app. I purchased pro many years ago, and it has been worth every penny. You have personally helped me on several occasions, and I have countless devices that rely on this app. Many thanks for all you do, and for creating such a great and functional and AFFORDABLE app. I am happy to support your work with a subscription.

  9. Hi,

    I really liked your app. However, I have purchased the app two or three times over the last few years. Every time I reset the phone, it looses the key and ask for it to be purchased again, as this would be new phone. Thank you and please restore my lost key so I am able to use the app.

    1. Hello Khalid
      Purchased are still valid even if you change the device. You just have to be sure you are using the same gmail account in Google Play Store. But you don’t have to purchase twice. Write to me at and let’s see if I can refund you. I will need your order IDs (they are in the email you got from Google when you purchased them).
      For you and for every Sound Profile user: PURCHASES are valid even if you uninstall the app, even if you factory reset your device, even if you change your device!!! Purchases are attached to your Google account, not to the device.

  10. Так, значит, КУПИТЬ приложение не получится? Т. е., плати пожизненный налог (как в случае с воздухом. Ведь маски – это не что иное, как налог на воздух).

    1. Hello
      There is a Sound Profile Pro Key available in the Play Store that is a just-one-time payment but that Pro Key doesn’t cover all the features, specially those created after November 2019. The idea is to have user purchased cheaper subscriptions. For more info write at

  11. Your application is excellent. It meets all my needs. I want to compensate you for its use but do not need and do not want to subscribe to any other application. Therefore, I would like a method to pay you directly for the basic Sound Profile application. Please advise how this can be accomplished. Thank you for your understanding.

    1. Hello

      The Pro Key app is a just one time payment that covers all the features until november 2019. But that Pro Key is going to be removed from Play Store soon. In fact, you are not redirected to the Pro Key from SoundProfile in any way. You are just able to see it on Play Store:
      Of course, all Pro Keys bought will still work in the future and will be still available for users that already bought it, but it will not be available for newer users.
      The idea is to make users buy cheaper but yearly Subscriptions instead of a more expensive but just one time payment Key.
      So, right now if you have the Pro Key then you are fine, but you do not have available the newer features that maybe releases in the future and since november 2019, like the option to dial commands after a profile activation (for example to activate/deactivate voice mail), the option to communicate with Automation apps (like Tasker, Automateit, Macrodroid…) and the option to activate profiles using your voice (Google Assistant).
      In case you need a new feature in the future, then you would need to purchase the according subscription for it.
      If you need extra information, just let me know.

  12. Merely a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw outstanding design.

  13. Bonjour,
    Merci pour votre information, mais je ne vois pas est le liste des prix correspondant à chaque abonnement.
    Où puis je avoir ce détail ?
    Laurent JACQUEMIN

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