Scheduler (automatic planner)

Sound Profile is able to set a planner or scheduler to automatically activate profiles at specific times during the week. For example, automatically activate profile Normal at 7:00 a.m. during the weekdays and Night at 10:00 p.m. But in weekends I want different times. All this is possible with Sound Profile and is very simple to set. Just follow these steps:

  • Open Sound Profile and tap on the menu 
  • Tap on Scheduler
  • In the drop-down combobox select “My Scheduler” (if it is not already selected).
  • Icons next to the name () are used to rename the scheduler, delete it or to add new schedulers.
  • You will see you have different sections, one for each day of the week. One for Monday, another for Tuesday…
  • Look at the add icon in each day of the week. Clicking on it you are able to add time intervals for that day.

For example:

  • Click on Save after setting all your intervals.
Tapping on the remove icon  at the left will allow you to remove the time interval. 
Tapping on the interval will allow you to modify the time or the profile.

As you can see there is not a start and a end time for a interval. You don’t need to specify that Normal starts at 7:00 and ends at 22:00, and Then Night starts at 22:00 and ends at 7:00. You just set Normal to start at 7:00 and Night to start at 22:00

Several schedulers

It is possible to have several preset Schedulers. For example, one called “My Scheduler” for normal use, another called “Christmas” for winter holidays, another called “Summer” and so on. This way you could activate “Summer” at the beginning of the Summer and “My Scheduler” at the end of the Summer.

Some people also use this feature for different work shifts, for example having a scheduler called “Night week shift”.

You can automatically activate Schedulers depending on the date using the Android Calendar integrated in your device. For example, set your Android calendar to activate “Summer” on July, 1st and activate “My scheduler” on August, 31st. For more information on this feature read this article.

50 thoughts on “Scheduler (automatic planner)”

  1. I have two schedulers are set. One is “Home” and the other is “Leaving Home”
    I set the geofence “Home” as 200 meter of m home.
    I want to select “Home” scheduler is activated when I enter into “Home” and to select “Leaving Home” when I move away from “Home”.
    How I can select one of the schedulers when I make the event setting?

    1. Sorry, to change the current Automatic Scheduler (Planner) to another one has to be done either manually or by the Calendar. For example to change from the Winter Scheduler to the Summer Scheduler. But not using a Task. Tasks are thought to change profiles.
      For more help or suggestions write at

    2. When you select leaving the geo fence you need to select another profile to change to such as not at home. In the activate integration with tasks and events you set a perameter ( I labelled it out) when exiting geofence activate profile out (or profile you wish to change to)

  2. Is there a way to set a profile for a user selected length of time? Example … run VIBRATE profile for 90 minutes then revert to the prior profile that was active?

    GREAT APP!! I subscribed to all.

    1. Yes, of course. Take a look at here.
      Besides that, you can also have preset Shortcuts with times that you use regulary. Like for example “Gym” (that activats Calls Only for 1 hour) or “Nap” (that activates Silent for 20 minutes) or “Sleep” (that activates Night for 7 hours). You can also set different colors and icons. Take a look at Sound Profile menu >> Shortcuts

    1. What do you mean by “disappeared”? Have you checked in the menu options?
      Please note that there is a “show extra features” switch that you might have to switch it on. By default that switch is off to make the menu more clear.

      1. I have the same problem. A few days ago all of my schedule items disappeared. I cannot access the schedule any longer.
        When I toggle the activate automatic scheduler and press the check mark I get a message “the automatic scheduler is disabled in the app settings. please enable it.”
        I don’t see where to activate it in the app settings. Does it mean in my phone’s settings? I locked at app permissions on my phone for the app and didn’t see anything that look related. I have a samsung galaxy s20+ 5g phone, is this a known issue for this phone? Your app has worked well for quite a while until about a week ago. Please advise.

  3. Hi,

    My schedules between two profiles should be activated at 9 a.m and 9 p.m. I have noticed that night profile won’t be activated automatically.

  4. When I have added 10 events in a day in Scheduler it seems I can’t add any more events. Is there a limit of 10? If it is, how can I increase this number?

    1. No, it shouldn’t be any limit of 10. Are you getting any error or message when you try to add the number 11?

      1. I have discovered that 10 is not the issue. The issue is that when I add an event with a time that is off the screen (on the bottom of the list, so you would have to scroll down to see it), the event will not add. With no error message.
        So, as long as I add events with times on the top side of the list, it is all right!

  5. Hi. I love this app. It’s been working great, but the last couple of days it doesn’t want to change automatically. I have to manually click on it. What is wrong?

  6. I have 2 schedules.
    One for activating silent profile from 5 am to 7 am (named morning) and
    Another for activating silent profile from 4 pm to 5 pm (named afternoon).

    But I see that they don’t get automatically activated, even after crossing the designated start time.
    I have to choose the ‘morning’ / afternoon in the schedule option manually > then click save > and then it activates the profile.

    What am I doing wrong?

    1. Hello
      You have to merge them in just one scheduler.
      Both intervals must be in the same day for that scheduler.
      The idea of having more scheduler, is for example, to have a Regular scheduler for normal weeks and also a Christmas scheduler for vacation or similar.
      Do you understand what I mean?

  7. I have a schedule that changes to normal at 6am but sometimes I get up early and override the schedule and set normal before 6am. But, at 6am the phone beeps and the volume rises. So my question is: by manually selecting normal, am I overriding the schedule or is it not possible to override the schedule?

    1. Hello Brenden
      Simply manually activating a profile will not override the Scheduler. If you want to override it, you need to specify how long you want that profile to be active. To do that you need to Activate a profile for a certain time (Timed profiles)
      For example, let’s say you have Scheduler set to activate Night profile at 9 pm
      You enter at the cinema at 7 pm and activate Silent profile.
      At 9 pm the Scheduler will activate Night.
      The solution for this will be:
      You enter at the cinema at 7 pm and activate Silent profile for 2 hours, until 10 pm
      At 9 pm the Scheduler will NOT activate Night. But at 10:00 (once you are out of the cinema) it will be activated.
      Do you understand?

  8. I am trying out the scheduler but, I have noticed that when the scheduler is active my geofenced Events and Task don’t work or I should say the don’t switch as the scheduler seems to have priority over the geofences am I correct in that?

    1. That shouldn’t affect. Please, send me your settings using the Contact Me option of the Sound Profile main menu. In that email tell me your issue so I can remember it (I receive many emails from many users).

  9. Is there a way to pause a schedule? I’m a teacher and have a schedule for vibrate during the school day. Now that we’re in summer I’d like to pause the schedule as opposed to delete and start again next school year.
    Thank you

    1. Yes, very simple.
      Open Sound Profile >> Menu >> Automatic Scheduler >> Tap on the Scheduler name (you should see a little arrow next to it) >> select Disable and Save.
      You can create other schedulers like “Summer” or “Christmas” without deleting your “School scheduler” and selecting one or the other.
      You can automatically activate Schedulers depending on the date using the Android Calendar integrated in your device. For example, set your Android calendar to activate “Summer” on July, 1st and activate “My scheduler” on August, 31st. For more information on this feature read this article:

  10. Please add a button in the main UI to go back to the scheduled profile.

    Something like “Return to Scheduled Profile”, “Activate Schedule”, “Scheduled Profile”, a clock icon, etc.

    Reason: After I’ve changed some volume level, and after I’m done using my temporary “custom volume”, I want to be able to quickly return to whatever volume settings are defined for the current time in my Sound Profile (Scheduler).


      1. Yepp. That’s what I want. I’m often using my car starting in the evening profile and switch to the car profile. Everything is ok. But when I arrive at home it far beyond the night profile sometimes. As you see, that will make your app more fabolous 🙂

  11. What does “Alarm Clock Mode” mean? It says in the app to activate this if the scheduler is not accurate. I’m not sure what it will do and can’t find information.

      1. Hello my friend Toni, please don’t forget us old people who are still using Android 9! 🙂 G. Marshall

  12. The schedule is not working. It doesn’t change automatically. I have the android 11 in a Samsung, can you please advise?

  13. For the scheduler, if I make manual volume changes, it seems to kill the next scheduled change. Is that the intended behaviour? I think the power settings are ok and it triggers if I never interfere with the volume.

    1. Activating a profile manually will not affect the Scheduler. For example, let’s say you have set to activate profile Night at 8:00 pm, and you manually activate any profile at 7:50 pm. Well, in this case, at 8:00 pm will change to Night anyway.
      Another approach is to “activate a profile until a certain time”, in this case this manually activating time is respected. For example, let’s say you enter in the Cinema at 7:00 pm and you activate profile Silent for 2 hours, in this case the app will not chane to Night at 8:00 p.m., it will do it a 9:00 p.m. (after the 2 hour period ends). Take a look a this.

  14. Is it possible to copy a schedule to another one in order to make small changes and keep both of them?

    1. Sorry it is not possible right now. Let me add that to my long Suggestion list.
      Thanks for the idea.

  15. Is it possible to switch automatically between summer and winter time without setting 2 different schedulers.

  16. My scheduler does not work anymore. There’s no battery optimization enabled for this app on my phone. It’s a Moto G5s. Any thoughts on what else it could be?

    1. Hello

      Please, send me your settings using the Contact Me option of the SoundProfile main menu. In that email tell me your issue so I can remember it (I receive many emails from many users).

  17. Mine scheduler was working fine until my last phone update. I am running Android 10 on a Samsung S20 plus, unlocked version.

      1. Hi, I’m having this issue and when I try to add the app to the never sleep lost it isn’t an option. It’s not listed in my apps. I have a Galaxy S20 as well

        1. Please open your Galaxy settings
          Go to ”apps”
          Select the ”3 dots” and select Special permissions
          Selected ”optimize battery….”
          Be sure Sound Profile is NOT selected.
          Now go to the battery-screen and select the view fo adding apps that should not be power saved. Be sure Sound Profile is enabled.

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